Oncogenic Transcription Factors in Prostate Cancer

Principal Investigator: 
David Rickman, Ph.D.

The Oncogenic Transcription Factors in Prostate Cancer laboratory is focused on elucidating the role of oncogenic transcription factors (e.g. ETS family members and N-Myc) in coordinating gene regulation, chromatin 3D architecture and response to chemotherapy in the context of prostate adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine prostate cancer.

Active Projects

  • The role of ERG in mediating taxane resistance.
  • The role of N-Myc in driving the neuroendocrine prostate cancer phenotype.
  • Development of in vitro and in vivo model systems of oncogenic transcription factor over-expression and other genomic alterations in prostate cancer.


PI: David Rickman, Ph.D.
Tri-Institutional Therapeutics Discovery Institute

PI: David Rickman, Ph.D.
United States Department of Defense

PI: David Rickman, Ph.D.
The aim of this study is to characterize the driving role of N-Myc and AURKA in neuroendocrine prostate cancer with the ultimate goal of more effectively targeting this tumor subclass by disrupting this complex.
Janssen-Challenge Award Prostate Cancer Foundation 

PI: David Rickman, Ph.D.
The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanism underlying ERG-induced taxane resistance in castrate resistant prostate cancer.
1R01CA179100-01A1 NIH-National Cancer Institute 

PI: David Rickman, PhD
Chimerix, Inc.

PI: David Rickman, PhD
National Institutes of Health (R01 grant)

PI: Richa Singh, PhD
American Urological Association

Lab Team

Oncogenic Transcription Factors in Prostate Cancer Lab Team

Additional Key Academic Personnel

Richa Singh
Research Associate

Contact Information

David Rickman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Research in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College

1300 York Avenue
Belfer 1528
New York, NY 10021
212 -746-9171

Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 1300 York Avenue New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-6464
Surgical Pathology: (212) 746-2700